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Gresha Lewis

He Loves You Anyway

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Do you have those days when you wonder if God still loves you? Come and learn the depth of His love for you.

Romans 8:31-39 & Luke 15:11-32

I’m a big Law and Order, and crime show buff. In many of these shows there are often incidents of domestic abuse. In many cases, even though the woman is battered they often goes back to the abuser. When asked why they are going back they often say, “Because I love him.” They chose to believe that their abuser loves them and didn’t mean it and will never abuse them again.

There are women and men who take the abuse be it physical or emotional because they love that person beyond what they do to them. They love them anyway.

When you think of the prodigal son, he intentional disobeyed the desires of his father. He walked away and went off and did everything he was big and bad enough to do. But we see in this story that even after he came back home his father rolled out the red carpet for him. Because while he wandered off – his father loved him anyway.

This morning, in my devotion today, I was thanking God for salvation and all of the blessing He has bestowed on me. I began to thank Him for forgiving me when I made mistakes in the past and those I have made recently. The Lord spoke a word that I will not forget. He said, “Some of the things you did were mistakes, but some were decisions you made.” Mistakes are unintentional, but decisions are intentional. Then He said, “But I loved you anyway.”

While I may have disobeyed God intentionally, He loved me anyway. But I’ve come to this point in my life that while He loves me anyway, I want to love Him intentionally and not take His grace for granted.

So, I encourage you to know that while you may feel sometimes you have not done all you can do. God loves you anyway. You may have missed God. He loves you anyway. You may feel like giving up in the fight. He loves you anyway. God loves us anyway.

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